Regular full three points for processing, after being withdrawn in the Finance Information Commission, by unanimous vote of all the groups a proposal from the Department of Finance to comply with the recent judgment of the European Court of Justice which exempts phone companies not own the mobile networks, the payment of the fee for occupation of public space reflected in our local tax ordinances, hoping the real and effective implementation by the Spanish courts.
Among the issues discussed highlight the Amendment No. 5 of our comprehensive PGMO corrections and clarifications seven different sections of our PGMO urban determinations.
Unlike what a councilor in the last legislature said it was all done in urbanism, statements made from the absolute ignorance of the matter, our General Plan is a living document to be updated regularly at the vortex of legislative and regulatory changes that occur and imply a repeal rules of the stipulations contained in our plan, as, and more important everyday and inconsistencies, small gaps or errors that show on the occasion of the instances presented by neighbors and neighboring urban requesting any paperwork.
A general plan is a living document always flexible to be adapted to the reality we live in, and therefore it is proposed that structural modification of the low incidence of the nuances that are introduced in it.
Perhaps the most important reason for the urgency of this change is the announcement by the Ministry of Development to our council's intention to invite tenders for the operation of the service area of ​​the A7 motorway on the edge of Totana, an area sadly we have had several altercations, including murder and many allegations of drug trafficking and retail, along with other of prostitution.
To do and not seen in our unregulated PGMO to these public areas, their regulation is introduced to enable urbanistically this area can become a service area that can accommodate public services like supply station, restaurant, hotel , garage, cafeteria .... great news that, to come true, definitely end up with the problems generated in this rest area.
And also echoing the request made by the Directorate General of Cultural Assets include our catalog of protected buildings of the Mena House located at C / La Feria, who was suffering from the general plan of 1992 with a mandatory setback involving the disappearance of the backyard and balcony of the same, it is proposed to include as forward the Department of Culture, within the catalog of goods and eliminate this setback, echoing the sentimental and aesthetic value for many alhameños has said housing, after the appropriate municipal technical reports.
It includes the correction of heights imposed by the rule change the Technical Building Code which imposed an expansion of the size of the slabs in 25 cm per plant, moving this difference and increasing the 25 cm of heights reflected in our plan.
Fits the vial which was reflected in the plan and continuing the C / Sewer to connect with the planned north round by adjusting the vial to the limits of the affected properties, as claimed its owners, preordenando that sector.
It also tries to fix their obligation to special bars, pubs and clubs around the entertainment arena raised in the Cotton area in the back of the Well, after not having developed today said enclosure, partly initially be affected by the works of the train that expropriated marked as well as the paralysis of the redevelopment project area.
What is proposed is to set a specific deadline for completion of these works once you start calculating the period of one year for transfer to the pain of being out of management, which would otherwise be in an irregular situation for breach of the agreement that once was forged between holders of these licenses and town hall.
As proposed amendment penultimate correct the error that excluded within the zoned land for development and teacher educational use, error appreciated after claims made by various groups for the study of a location "fair" for this type of facility, extending this possibility to developable land in general, as well as other uses are permitted as the cultural, health, sports .... etc.
making it possible to facilitate future deployments schools not only in the development land zoned but village perimeter whenever possible.
Finally apply the scheme proposed legalization of properties has been applying to dwellings on the ground inadequate and undeveloped land protected by planning "The Valley" those records that have been left out because it stands in the foothills of Sierra Espuña, who mistakenly excluded the possibility of legalizing in this area, regularizing these homes and not letting them out of management, though meeting the same requirements as the other homes along with a landscape adjustment to improve the environment.
A part of the modification was approved detailed name the newly opened road that connects the Plaza de las Eras with the C / Juan Carlo I like "Civil Protection Volunteers" in just recognition and gratitude of the people of Alhama to altruistic and volunteer members of the Local Group of Civil Protection of Alhama de Murcia, but it's sad how some people take the opportunity to comment inappropriate and misplaced.
It was also proposed, based on technical reports, denied the claim amendment Garita Road intended for local resident, according to the criteria established and approved unanimously by all groups within the Municipal Inventory of Public Roads .
Source: CCD