Modification 3 of the Industrial Partial Plan The Coast was the first point for discussion.
In 2003 the beginning of the first Industrial expansion and the opening of a second access to it by the Carretera de La Costera.
With this third modification, the parcel located at the roundabout at the crossroads of Avenue of Greece and Austria, with the change in commercial industry, returns to its original classification, without affecting the buildable or use coefficients plots.
With the next issue was kicked out the specifications to bring granting the use of two city-owned parcels located in the hamlet of Gebas.
They occupy more than half a million square meters of land, which will go towards the construction of an equestrian center facilities, complementary services and pony trekking itinerary.
From the Municipal Group of IU-Greens express that seems an interesting project, but a 20-year concession for a project as specific as this, why our abstention.
Regulatory Agreement Regarding Working Conditions of Staff, signed by most of the workers representation of the City Council, recognized capacity respect to the components of the negotiating table.
IU-Green In last October manifest and government interference Rajoy dynamiting entire collective bargaining blow our country decrees, which then resulted in a significant cut in the rights of municipal employees in economic benefits on sick temporary, and now the machine has led force to prevent some workers quedase in "limbo" of their labor rights, by the decay of collective agreements are not renewed before July 8.
This time if the motion was approved IU-Greens on measures to ensure the fulfillment of the social function of housing which, converted into joint all groups had guaranteed unanimously to urge the Government of the Autonomous Community of the Region Murcia to the adoption of measures to guarantee the constitutional right to decent housing and adequate to prevent or halt the evictions in the most disadvantaged groups, as well as antisocial, speculative use of land and housing.
The following motion IU-Greens on "unconventional gas extraction," also featured the unanimity of all groups.
Thus, it is declared as a municipality Alhama fracking free, ensuring the protection of our environment, natural resources and agricultural wealth as our hot springs, to the negative effects to health and the environment that can make this type of operating activities and by conducting extraction and injection perforations in the basement of a mixture of water, sand and chemicals under pressure, to disintegrate rock and allow the exit of gas.
In the question and answer section, ask to be installed water points in the Cemetery, we are interested in the suspension of X-ray service in the Health Center, we request that has the alhameños bands in concert schedule , asked for the Mayor criterion in the allocation of rewards to your companion, well above the municipal workers of similar category, and asked the Municipal Government if they really believe what they are told Mr. Samper.
Source: IU-verdes