June 2013]
With the adoption of the new Basic Regulation of the City Council, a little over a year, was established holding an extraordinary session of the municipal mandate Ecuador, which would be discussed on the state of the municipality.
Is regulated first speaking time for the Mayor to take stock of his administration, to be followed by those of the municipal spokesmen may not exceed 20 minutes, then turn is granted five minutes, ending the session the Mayor in conclusion about what was discussed at the meeting.
However, despite lead times for strictly municipal groups, the Mayor, which has no limit on its two interventions, in another of his usual performances "cortijeras" took the liberty to comment on each of the interventions Opposition spokesmen.
The Mayor, after explaining his particular vision of the crisis and excuse the Rajoy government of the consequences of it on the people, predictably, surrendered himself to tell his "works and wonders" past, present and future.
Of course not a single paragraph to the criticism, the lack of investment or draft "close the tap" to which we have subjected the Government of Valcárcel.
And used the crisis and the legacy of the previous government to justify tax increases or breach of its promises, bypassing not only their participation in the previous government, but that the Popular Party has ruled for 18 years Alhama.
For their part, PP and CCD spokesmen took the time to praise his fellow government and the benefits of the covenant, and to oppose the opposition.
IU-Green In focus our intervention Government Pact PP-CCD, its consequences and failures.
The first branches of the covenant, sealed by one PP leader repeated a thousand times that "Rome did not pay traitors", translate into larger government and costly for municipal coffers Alhama history, surpassing the half-million per year, in a context in which the municipal budget 2013se been reduced to € 22 million, and in which there are hardly any investment.
So from IU-Greens, we question what if it is necessary in the current situation a government with 12 members?
That in the worst case, only part-time, or full assistance and government boards, in their remuneration exceeds € 20,000 per year.
That deal also cast led us to the less curious situations, as that much weight as departments of planning and finance, are in the hands of a council that has no middle dedication.
A covenant that contained more than 30 priority actions in 14 councils, in which half of the legislature not even reach 30% globally, and in some of them, such as health, trade, culture and infrastructure patatero zero.
It is unquestionable that in these two years unemployment has increased by 11 points, has not been the Local Health Board, and there are prospects of expansion of services in the health center, there is no Local Trade Strategic Plan, the Institute Municipal arts, or Neighbor Ombudsman.
In the section Infrastructure, which is the new home for the elderly, people's university, construction IES Valle de Leiva CEIP splitting the Our Lady of the Rosary, the Youth Center, a second Health Centre, Central Water Day thermal cover and remodeled Market Square liaison with the A7 road bypass and pending settlement.
It is palpable that has not materialized either of these priorities: We have new Residence for the Elderly, more like questioned the continuity of government we have, we know nothing of the resort, unless the project to locate in New Espuna nearly 70,000 € should follow in a drawer, the link with the A7 run by the Ministry, we announced that it will change by one more good, nice and cheap, as would "Ramonet" and fix roads "who knows walk ", if after a year they have been unable to fix the guard-rails on the flood took the Coastal Highway.
In short, the investment restriction to almost zero, with a large percentage of expenditure on running costs (no less than 90%), reductions in service delivery, increased tax burden on those who alhameños required a great effort and submission to the Government or Rajoy Valcárcel, who are not required the endowment sufficient to meet the expenses they are responsible.
IU-Greens held 31 plenary sessions, 23 motions were discussed our Municipal Group, with varying success in their approval, and another 11 have had the signature of our Group together with one, or some, of the groups that make up this Consistory.
As well as day to day assistance to municipal bodies and work with neighbors, practically, there has been full on háyanos not any proposals related to issues affecting alhameños and whose resolution does not always depend local government, but also of regional or national.
Source: IU-verdes Alhama de Murcia