The Councillor for Women, Lola Canovas, opened the course with the assistance of a score of women interested in expanding their knowledge in the personal and professional.
This course is for unemployed women and consists of 40 hours, has a theoretical part of 30 hours to be held in the classrooms of the Women's Business Incubator and a practical part of 10 hours to be held in the Day Centre and Senior's Residence Virgen del Rosario.
The objective of this course is to educate all women who plan to work or are working in the field of social and health care and dependent elderly
The contents of this workshop are:
Module I.
Introduction to Law 39/2006, of 14 December, on the Promotion of Personal Autonomy and Care for dependent people.
Module II.
Social role of the old man and old woman
Module III.
Relationship Help
Module IV.
Psychological aspects of the old man and woman.
Module IV.
Institutional resources and other health care resources for elderly dependents.
Module V.
Caregiver profile.
Ethical issues in the care of the older person.
Module VI.
Career Counseling.
Day Care Center and Residence for the Elderly "Virgen del Rosario".
From the Department of Woman encourages all women to go through the Women's Business Incubator, located in C / Luis Pasteur, s / n, for details of the next courses to be performed and the availability of seats and, the possibility of demanding courses in the future could be made.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia