On 14 September, Saturday, after the eight o'clock Mass, will be the imposition of the crown of Our Lady of Grace, the image of the Virgin carved in stone on the façade of the church of St. Lazarus.
Carmen Maria Rodriguez, Councillor for Culture and Heritage of Alhama de Murcia, accompanied by the pastor of St. Lazarus, Joseph Prior, as well as Javier Bernal, a member of the Center for Restoration of Cultural Property Directorate, have given information this morning.
As stated by the mayor, in 2005, when the church was restored, was found behind the image, in the niche it occupies, remains of the crown he had led.
These remains have served to make a new silver-plated brass.
Two people who wish to remain anonymous took the remains of the crown and took them to a Cieza Goldsmith has been commissioned to create the new crown looking total fidelity to wearing in 1747 when it placed the image in the façade by Pedro Bravo.
Since the Church of St. Lazarus is a Property of Cultural Interest (BIC) any action it must be consulted Heritage, hence the intervention of José Bernal who has indicated that revised the image and its niche, found in the head of the Virgin remains of the old crown.
"We have seen how to place and how to do it," said the specialist.
For its part, the pastor of St. Lazarus is informed that tomorrow, Saturday 7, after Mass 8 pm, will be exposed on the altar as the remains of the old and the new crown so that residents can contemplate and "Once place is not going to be able to appreciate such detail."
It will not be until Saturday September 14, even after eight o'clock Mass, when in the atrium of St. Lazarus an emotional event occurs, historic town that manages to return the picture to show off her crown.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia