The secretary general of the PSOE de Alhama, Conesa Diego has asked the Mayor of Alhama which takes into account the reports of the town clerk and the municipal architect to the allegations made by Ecologists in Action "to not jeopardize the project from Paramount in the municipality. "
Conesa Diego explained that these reports raise the two municipal officials express the same doubts and demands made by the Socialist Party for months: that the Directorate General Environment of the Autonomous Community, the competent body should be pronounced on consequences that the judgment of the Constitutional Court in December may have on the classification and urban use of part of the land where located Paramount.
The PSOE de Alhama, which promoted in 2010 and since its inception has supported the location of this project in the town, did not understand why the Mayor and systematically reject government team approaches the Socialist Group, "but less even, not take into account the opinion of the senior municipal officers, the secretary and the architect, for the simple fact that we ask the same as asking from the beginning: clear and convincing reports of who is responsible for issuing them, which is the Autonomous Community " .
In this sense, Conesa said that "this conduct of the mayor and the government team made only delay the start of construction, and therefore the possibility of finding investors to make the project viable."
The Mayor can and must change for the sake of the project, the future employment in Alhama, and the City Council, which could be subject to future legal claims. "
"We hope that, this time, and because so say also the municipal, reports required to clarify this situation of insecurity that only delay the works for the mayor announced for the month of September that just because" he concluded.
Source: PSOE Alhama de Murcia