The presidential adviser, Manuel Campos, assisted in Alhama de Murcia events commemorating the patron of the local police of the municipality, San Lazaro Obispo, where he argued that "public safety guarantees the exercise of the rights of citizens."
At the event, Campos highlighted the "strong commitment" of the members of the local police in the region and, in particular, of the 42 that make up the staff of the local police in Alhama de Murcia.
So, acknowledged the efforts made to protect the free exercise of the rights and freedoms of all citizens, and praised "individual responsibility, giving the best of themselves in the exercise of its function."
Campos said that the Ministry of Presidency has invested in the past six years in Murcia over EUR 2.5 million "to move forward to a better, safer region."
Most of that amount, 1.8 million, was made through the Regional Public Safety Plan, with investment of over 128 million and the addition of 628 effective from its inception in 2006.
In addition, the Presidential allocated to the town of Alhama 600,000 euros for the construction of a new building to house the offices of the Local Police and Civil Protection, which had a total budget of 1.1 million euros.
To this figure we must add several grants, for a total amount of 106,024 euros, the Funds for the Improvement of Police Functions, which allowed the purchase of a crowded vehicle, a police vehicle kit for detainees, another vehicle rural patrol and four motorcycles.
Effective policing
The head of the Presidential stressed the "effective" work of the local police and especially the Special Units of Public Safety, that "accumulate significant experience in the fulfillment of their actions."
In this sense, the 10 troops joined the workforce of the local police in Alhama, thanks to Regional Public Safety Plan, have made almost 200 services identified and surveyed 174 people about 160 vehicles during his speech.
In addition, effective from a total of 23 performances in respect of infringements of those, 19 ended without arrest and 4 arrest, 19 other police actions were related to administrative offenses, of which 19 ended in complaint 3 inspections of local Leisure and 3 other related offenses otherwise.
In another development interventions, effective to the aid of 108 citizens who needed help, they performed on 55 occasions for alarm activation, were involved in 21 accidents, 18 concentrations and two fights, while they managed to recover a stolen vehicle.
Featured performances
During the celebrations, which began with a Mass in honor of St. Lazarus Bishop proceeded to the delivery of awards to organizations for their effective and stresses acting in the service of citizens.
Among the winners, was highlighted by two effective capacity for action and collaboration with the Civil Guard in the development of an operation that has made the dismantling of a point of sale of narcotics.
Also, an award was given to another cash Alhama Local Police for their professionalism, and constant interest in the performance of their duties improvement, and five retired officers, for their service and dedication to public service delivery.
Also deserved a distinction the company responsible for your feedback Espuña Coaches throughout the year, sometimes disinterested, for transporting schoolchildren schools the Children Traffic Park.
Source: CARM