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Until April 30 primary school children can present their work to the Children's Story Competition XXVII (08/04/2014)

The city of Alhama, specifically its Department of Education, has called the Children's Story Competition XXVII.

During April, children from primary schools in the municipality have been invited to this literary competition.

They may submit their work until 30 April at the Centre they attend, as noted by the Councillor for Education, Ana Fernández.

Responsible for the area presented this new edition accompanied by some of the children who achieved awards in the last edition.

Ana Fernandez, Rocio had Moyano, first prize in 2013 in the category of three to eight with the title "Ana Frog";

Sevilla Jimena Martinez, second prize in the Second Cycle of Primary work "Perfume Valentino" and Francisco Javier Bermejo, Most Original Story award also in 2013 for his work entitled "The Circus".

As stated by the head of Education, the notice provides for three awards in three categories (First Cycle of Primary Education, Second Cycle Primary and third cycle of Primary Education), plus two prizes to the most original.

Once you have closed the period for submissions the jury will meet to award the prizes that will be given on Thursday May 8 at the House of Culture at 18.00 during the performance of storytelling Pepa Robles also taking advantage of the celebration World Book Day 2014.

The reviews of the winners

Ana Fernandez wanted to accompany children who have won awards in the competition on the grounds that "are the real stars of this competition."

Therefore, the mayor wanted to "have a voice" in this call to tell their own experience.

Jimena Sevilla explained that his teacher put them to work writing a story "liked my story so much that I proposed to introduce competition and I said yes because I wanted to participate," noted Jimena.

Also encourages the other children to participate by saying that "not ashamed to express your feelings through a story."

Rocío Moyano says "It's really cool because you can imagine stories do things and participate with my friends from school."

Also took the opportunity to encourage all children to participate.

Francisco Javier Bermejo told that "I decided because I like stories. Circus was in town and I thought to do a story about the circus."

Resolved pointed advised the other children "trabajéis much your stories and do not ever rindáis".

The three winners and future writers showed their satisfaction with the achievements and claimed that this year will try again.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia

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