Portal de Alhama de Murcia


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detail of Alhama de Murcia


"The municipal accounts again comply with the budgetary stability objective" (11/04/2014)

After four years, since 2010, where our municipal accounts as revealed with the closing of annual budgets, we regained the path of fiscal stability, according to Finance Plan adopted in July 2011 as a first step he had to take the government team and restated in August 2013 with an initial period covering a number of adjustments to 2015, and that after the commitment and effort of all the departments we have achieved already in 2013 so we can close with budgetary stability, two years before marking, and that among other things opens the door to raise certain tax measures and committed citizens of the Pact government that once signed and Citizens for Alhama PP goal.

A budgetary stability as evidenced by the report of the municipal intervention prior to the settlement of accounts of 2013 approved by mayoral decree of March 31, within the prescribed period as the council was committed, and that you will notice in the House of April.

A report that a positive result of EUR 724,287.25, fulfilling the goal of fiscal stability provisions of the Fiscal Stability Law.

This great result first effect has allowed us to formally request the General Cadastre revising the presentation of securities made in 2008, to try to keep the values ​​do not rise until 2017 as approved at the time and will involve an initial savings of over 30% on the final value adopted that would result from the presentation of values ​​adopted in the previous corporation and assumed an annual increase of 10% until 2017, which would be achieved in theory actual value provided in this paper.

We fulfill one of the objectives set by the government team, giving rise to that adopted in the previous corporation adjusting to the reality of the market values ​​and the current economic situation.

This request can be made thanks to comply with the budgetary stability objective scores for all local authorities, which we could not have done if it were not so, and the request shall be made along this month that after making all work to enter into force with effect January 1, 2015, the year that 10% increase that was approved in 2008 would not apply.

In the table below we can analyze the evolution of compliance with budgetary stability from more than eight million negative at the beginning of this term, the current results:







Así mismo cumplimos la regla de gasto como otro de los objetivos exigidos a nuestro ayuntamiento, con un resultado positivo de 2.050.995,45 euros.

Dentro de las cifras que arroja este informe destacamos que tenemos 20.295.682 euros como derechos reconocidos en el ejercicio 2013, contra 18.915.168 euros de obligaciones reconocidas, que tras los ajustes establecidos por ley, ofrecen un resultado a nuestro favor de 724.287 euros, resultado que garantiza que tenemos un ayuntamiento solvente que es capaz con sus recursos de hacer frente a sus obligaciones y cuya premisa básica para llegar a este resultado ha sido gastar menos de lo que ingresamos, depurar todas las irregularidades que encontramos, revisar todos los contratos y partidas de gasto corriente y sobre todo el gran esfuerzo de contención de todas las concejalías de nuestro ayuntamiento y escrupuloso sometimiento a las previsiones establecidas por la concejalía de hacienda, que han hecho posible que dos años antes de lo programado este equipo de gobierno presente unas cuentas saneadas a todos sus ciudadanos.

Source: Concejalía de Hacienda. Ayto. Alhama

UNE-EN ISO 9001:2000 - ER-0131/2006 Región de Murcia
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