Portal de Alhama de Murcia


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The Industrial Park will Alhama fiber generation, positioning again in one of the most competitive in the region (14/04/2014)

Alhama Industrial Park was once again the one of the most competitive in the regional and national level with the signing of an agreement with the telecommunications company Telealhama.

Under the agreement signed with the alhameña society, the industrial park will be equipped with next-generation fiber optic in June or July.

On the morning of Thursday 10th, the Mayor of Alhama de Murcia, Fernando Alfonso Ceron, accompanied by the director of INFO, Juan Hernandez, as well as responsible for Telealhama, Mateo Guerrero and Industry Councilman Ignacio Martinez, signed in CIDE building, the Industrial town park, a convention that not only will provide companies fast and secure optical fiber, but also provide license plate reader at the exit and entrance of the park and areas wiffi in various places, such as transport hub.

Consistory Mayor wanted to show the great importance of the agreement stating that: "The floor of the industrial park has very competitive prices, we have private security cameras at all entrances and exits, have launched the center transport and now endow with fiber optics that will serve the entire park and allow readers to place enrollment inputs and outputs as well as areas in the CIDE wiffi building and City Transport ".

INFO director impacted on the importance of the service that will be provided to the park noting that, as is stressing in European centers, "re-industrialization process goes through digitization processes."

Precisely for this reason, the head of the Institute of Development claimed that the "benefits of this service will be in the coming years", ensuring that the Park Alhama is located in one of the most competitive in the regional and national levels.

Meanwhile, Mateo Guerrero, owner of global telecommunications company that has signed the Convention emphasized that the network that will provide the park is "GPON", ie, that come to the plots which will allow not only high speeds, but the security of data between different locations in different parts of the world.

Furthermore, it claimed to be installing various networks "Wimax" allowing servicing companies that are outside the park but within Guadalentin Valley.

It also ensured that the service is expected to be active for the month of June or July.

Earlier this term, the council of Industry, Ignacio Martinez, visited each of the companies in the industrial park to listen to the demands, suggestions and needs of employers.

It was at this point that the mayor was perceived as one of the most obvious needs manning the park network.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia

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