Alhama City, through its Department of Health, will launch the fumigation program.
This program takes place every year between the months of May and June, depending on the weather;
usually forward or backward one month.
This year, due to the warm weather and lack of rain has made the insects are ahead, so that the campaign has also been advanced to May.
Responsible for the area, Ana Fernández, has realized this campaign to warn people because, once bugs, show up for the numerous culverts insects.
In this performance all sewers will be discussed in order to control the cockroach population.
The type of cockroach that proliferates in Alhama is the common (Blattella germanica) and American cockroach (Periplaneta Americana) which is of a larger size.
The latter has the potential to play 3,000 copies per female present.
Control of these insects is important because in addition to the problem posed toilet, contaminating products with their droppings can cause infections in areas from ingested garbage, sewage, etc substances.
that being excreted may be potential vectors of infection.
It is also going to perform in these months treatment mosquito control in parks, gardens and swimming pool.
In districts such as La Costera and Cañarico will be treated with a larvicide product areas where stagnant river water was found.
This work, which is preventative, will be performed next to the holiday dates each.
Also, from the Department of Health, as noted by the mayor, other treatments such as disinfection and rodent control, worn regularly performed.
Disinfection is done three times a year in all public schools, especially in schools.
It consists of a disinfectant fogging product that fills every room of the building.
Usually takes advantage of the summer holidays, Christmas and Easter.
Finally, rat control, which involves putting bait in sewers or any area where rodents can proliferate, is carried out continuously, ie, ends in a part of town, villages and industrial area and start again.
In our town we have about 2,000 points where the rat poison is introduced.
The program that the Department of Health makes three passes are given throughout the year, regularly performing a count that gives us an idea of ​​the number of rodents and suitable treatment.
Control of this species is also important not only because of the huge economic losses that can cause: wiring damage or contamination of stored products, but also for disease transmission.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia