The People's Party of Alhama de Murcia congratulates the House of the Corporation, for acceding to the request to open the file for granting honors in the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia to alhameño recently deceased D. Pedro González Sánchez and want to join this recognition to a person who made his life a genuine service to others, first as a priest, then as a teacher and finally as a psychoanalyst.
Pedro Sánchez was founder and psychoanalyst for 15 years of the Rehabilitation Center "Fleets" of Alhama, in addition to having worked in the extraordinary work of the Municipal Psychosocial Centre with the mentally ill.
Although unfortunately these awards usually come posthumously alhameños we have the satisfaction that our City Council, through the Department of Social Welfare, had the opportunity and confidence to make your small living tribute, during dinner volunteer held last year.
We are also pleased that the Governing Council of the Autonomous Community as forward our Mayor, you have opened another file to make a reconnaissance in the Day of the Region.
Another point of the last plenary in April and deserves our full support mayor's proposal was supported unanimously to designate the name of Adolfo Suárez Municipal Sports Pavilion.
As stated in a previous note our party wants to join the public and widespread recognition, which took place after the death of the former president and the first democratic biggest driver of the spirit of harmony and thinking that one way to realize that recognition is Through this proposal for a municipal building, as is the Sports Pavilion, bearing his name, so it can be remembered by future generations.
On the other hand we consider very positive for our City Council the result of the liquidation of the budget of the year 2013, as it sheds a positive balance, which causes fulfill two years ahead of schedule in order to budget stability and can therefore leave the financial economic plan, achieving one of the goals set for the current legislature to clean up our accounts, which will allow the City Council to freeze the IBI receipt, avoiding further rises.
In that sense we are glad that you have already asked the General Directorate of Cadastre freezing the annual rise of 10% during the years 2015, 2016 and 2017. In that sense we believe it is fair to the efforts of all the departments to adjust their expenses to the maximum, thus helping to return to the path of fiscal stability.
Finally we also consider the creation of a wise Local Trade Council as an advisory body and participation in which can be represented and be heard Alhama small businesses, a key sector in the economy of our people.
Since our party believe that if this Council works well, you can become a good tool to achieve that promotion of our trade, through collaboration between traders and the city.
Source: PP Alhama de Murcia