Portal de Alhama de Murcia


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Twelve students receive a course on skills for personal and professional autonomy (29/04/2014)

The Audiovisual Room of the Plaza Vieja Cultural Centre is the venue for twelve students selected to receive the 2014 course "Developing Skills for Personal Autonomy and Labor."

The training started on Monday, April 28 and students were welcomed by the Councillor for Social Welfare, Maria Carmen Diaz, who encouraged attendees to take the training, assuring the high profitability that provides the course.

The training will conclude on June 20 and has 152 teaching hours.

Its aim is to work on problems of employment, seeking the best solutions through the promotion and personal growth and the acquisition of social and labor skills.

Planned activities in the course will develop professional skills, a workshop and employment and other basic educational support and information will be given.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia

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