The Ministry of Education, Culture and Universities has started the record for the award, posthumously, the Distinguished Diploma Autonomous Community to alhameño Pedro Sánchez González Services.
As Mayor ad Alhama de Murcia, Fernando Alfonso Ceron, in ordinary plenary session held last April 24, the Governing Council would initiate the process for granting the honorary degree to alhameño Pedro Sánchez Gonzalez, who was still alive, the city of Alhama de Murcia, through its Department of Social Welfare, made him public recognition in the cenal Volunteer during the month of December 2013.
Also, the regular plenary session of April, held on the 24th, a joint motion of all local groups, for membership of the City Council to request the opening of files Concession Honors, Awards and Distinctions of the Autonomous Community was presented Region of Murcia Pedro Sánchez González.
At the meeting the Governing Council held on May 2, a proposal from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Universities, the following agreement was taking:
"Ministry of Education, Culture and Universities
Home of record for the grant, posthumously, the Distinguished Diploma to the Autonomous Community, Don Pedro Sánchez González Services.
The Governing Council of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, at its meeting on May 2, 2014 proposal of the head of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Universities, resolved to initiate proceedings for the award posthumously , Diploma of the Autonomous Community Distinguished Don Pedro Sánchez González, in view of their personal, social and human path, known as teacher of several generations of young people from their involvement in many social and political platforms Services.
According to the provisions of Article 5.2 of Decree 25/1990, of 3 May, on the Law 7/1985 of 8 November, Honors, Awards and Distinctions of the Autonomous Community of the Region develops Murcia, a period of public information is open for the period of fifteen days, few persons, entities and bodies so desire, appear in the dossier and to make few claims deemed appropriate, by the intended purpose.
Such observations may be made by submitting written in the register of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Universities of this region, located in Avenida de La Fama n. ° 15, Postcode 30006, Murcia.
The Instructor of record, the Minister of Education, Culture and Universities, Pedro Antonio Sánchez López "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia