The Local Government at its meeting July 24, 2014 agreed to endorse the demands of agricultural unions to grave losses and damages caused by drought in the region of Murcia.
The Agricultural unions COAG, BDA, UPA, have revealed serious losses and damages caused by drought in the region of Murcia, claiming the adoption and implementation by the Regional Government and Central, economic measures and Administrative real impact to alleviate the damage caused to farmers and ranchers in the region of Murcia.
To cover the proposed measures, the adoption of a Royal Decree of extraordinary measures contain exemption from payment of IBI-Country, income tax reduction, exemption from Social Exchange, Authorization irrigation relief is claimed, establishment of a replanting program, loans with preferential interest and capital subsidy, extraordinary bonuses in recruiting agricultural insurance, and various administrative measures and preventive.
Given these demands, the Local Government responsiveness and wanted to express solidarity with the aforementioned Hall agricultural associations and unions, and the aforementioned support industrial action, which "could be collected in a Royal Decree issued by Extraordinary Measures the National Government in response to the situation of severe damage caused by drought in the Region of Murcia "as says the agreement reached.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia