The People's Party of Alhama de Murcia regrets that the Socialist spokesman is looking prominence to the issue of the upcoming construction of the new building for the IES Valle de Leiva.
We do not understand the need to request an extraordinary plenary session to debate a motion that is virtually silent, with purpose, as stated in the motion itself, to guarantee and ensure the immediate budget allocation and execution of works in the new school, something has been working the government team from the beginning of the legislature and has already achieved with the commitment of our Regional President, the Minister of Education and the Director General Center itself, which has sent a letter to Mayor committing a contribution 2 , 5 million euros, via FEDER funds.
In a motion requesting the Ministry to issue report on the specific amount that is being spent for this investment in regional budgets 2015. Seems disproportionate We request an extraordinary plenary session for that, as is with the intention of finding role of Mr. Conesa, who did not accept the suggestion that this motion was the 4 joint municipal groups.
But our party will always support anything that involves ensuring that this defendant infrastructure running as soon as possible and not delay further in time.
As the regular plenary seems good final approval of the new regulation Honors and Awards and motion UI, once accepted the suggestions of the government team, concerning the importance of the provision of social services by Municipalities, as closest government, with adequate funding.
However, we can not agree with the other two motions filed by IU-Greens.
The measures referred to drought because our party has always been and will support the needs of our farmers and irrigators, as they are know best what they need and why we continue to support all measures that have been proposed to solve the problem and mitigating the effects of drought we are suffering, claiming inter alia exemption rustic Ibi, reduction of income tax, exemptions from payment of contributions to Social Security, irrigation relief where possible, establish a plan of replanting budget, low-interest loans and subsidies in agricultural insurance.
In fact so did the government team on a proposal to support these claims of agricultural organizations, who led the council of Agriculture to the Governing Board.
Therefore we can not support a motion like IU that is not based on these claims of farmers and irrigators, with proposals such as creating an observatory for drought, another body, we see misplaced.
As for the motion refers to the application of a Supreme Court, which found that although the soil is classified as developable, its value is rustic, as it has no urban development, the group of IU, without waiting for Cadastre rule, analyzing and assessing the possible effects of the judgment, and we comply intended to Alhama and this sentence will be enforced in all respects with the serious harm that would mean for the city coffers.
Our party believes that any good politician must prevail precautionary principle and prudence, ensuring the interest of our City, and we concur with the view of the government team that remains to be the Territorial Cadastral Management who rule in one way or another and issue appropriate instructions to all the municipalities of Spain to manage this issue.
However the game UI, if both urges that this ruling applies, you could start by doing those councils in which is part of the municipal government.
Source: PP Alhama de Murcia