In 2011 and proposed to implement the Code of Good Governance, which was rejected by the popular mayor, Fernando Alfonso Ceron
Diego Conesa, PSOE candidate for Mayor of Alhama, defends the term 'glass walls' in governance as a fundamental principle at your service to neighbors.
Considered essential to achieve maximum transparency and citizen participation in governance, and emphasizes the use as a tool to General Schedule 80 Transparency International indicators for management of municipalities.
"Alhama must be in the next term the fourth municipality in the region that voluntarily meets all these indicators," he says, and that "compliance with them is giving him power and information to citizens, and something that you can get through the municipal website, but here it is costing much implement it. "
Conesa considers it essential that the biographical data of the council of the Team, the institutional agenda of the Mayor and the ratio of jobs in the City Council and the full minutes of the plenary sessions are published, the resolutions of the Board of Governors and the full videos.
"We must show the City Council website all public contracts, which companies have been granted, and the amount and duration."
It also calls for the adoption and implementation of the Good Local Government Code proposed by our party at the beginning of the legislature and the mayor, Alfonso F. Ceron, would not even admit admissible for discussion in Parliament.
According Ceron, the PP to win the election (2011) was to adopt a Law on Transparency in three months that the end has been delayed two years and still has not implemented any measures in the municipality.
For the Socialist candidate, "are issues that would have to be the ABC of management and that today in Alhama we do not. This is empowering the citizen to be a counter to the government and autorregulemos us, leaving more room to citizenship. Something that has cornered a distorting form of democracy and we are well. "
You can consult the General Schedule Indicators with Transparency International index of local councils 2014
Source: PSOE Alhama de Murcia