Youth Councillor of the City of Alhama, Mª Carmen Rodríguez has reported two courses that offer your area: Graphic Design and Retouching and another for obtaining title Monitor Leisure and Recreation.
The graph workshop will be taught by Salva Olivares, is held in the Business Incubator, has 20 hours and begin on Tuesday March 3rd.
It will take place every Tuesday and Thursday until April.
The fee is 25 euros and inscriptions can young people between 12 and 26 years Youth Space in the Casa de la Cultura.
Another defendant and approved course is to monitor Hobbies and Leisure which lasts for 160 hours.
It will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the months of March, April and May.
There will be camping teaching and practice hours and mandatory.
The mayor noted that "in this course prepares youth for training in different disciplines such as pedagogy, psychology, etc".
Pre-registration can be done at the Youth Centre located in the Casa de la Cultura.
Half the cost of the course will be funded by the Youth Council.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia