The Center for Social Services, which was in an annex to the Health Center building, occupied since more than two months ago the building of Las Menas, located in the heart of the town, near the park of La Cubana and the fairgrounds.
This manor house, municipal and rehabilitated by the City property is now the new Center for Social Services.
The mayor of Alhama de Murcia, Fernando Alfonso Ceron, along with the mayor of Social Welfare, Maria Carmen Diaz and Councilman Works and Services, Miguel González, visited the center to publicize the change to neighbors.
The mayor noted that the city government faced several questions: First, the Social Services Centre was too small as is the case with the Health Center.
However, until the town of Alhama de Murcia not exceeding 25,000 inhabitants can not apply for the construction of a new center.
Seeking a solution to these issues at a meeting of the Local Government proposed to move the center of Social Services building Menas, so you should enjoy more space and, in turn, give the old building to the Center Health.
"For the Team, Social Services is a priority. Knowing that the place was too small seek a solution and decided to use this space and we are happy. I think it has been a success. It is true that the changes at first cost, but the workers are happy. And with this change a service as necessary as it is dignified, "he pointed the mayor of Alhama de Murcia.
Also, the mayor noted that the Ministry of Health, which oversees the health center, and is developing plans to expand the center of Alhama, relocating, first, the ED to the old center of Social Services and achieving thus decongest the existing health center and improve service to citizens.
Meanwhile, Mª Carmen Díaz, stated that "there is the idea that Social Services only feeds that can not, however many things are done. Here are 17 people serving of all kinds. It is a place to everyone, at some time or another, have to use ".
The mayor also noted that the new location, in a central location with parking, promotes access to older and disabled people.
"Social services should always be a priority. They are in the front row, serving all people, looking for solutions, sometimes very difficult," added the mayor acknowledging that although "it seems that nothing is seen, have spent time very difficult ".
Meanwhile, the council Works and Services, Miguel González recounted the works that have been made to enable the transfer has been established with the work of the Municipal Brigades.
"We did our own to avoid all possible expenses. We are trying to maximize our resources," he noted.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia