Portal de Alhama de Murcia


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Hacienda, transparency and participatory budgets, the topics in the Third Training day of the PSOE in Alhama (18/02/2015)

The economist and sociologist José Molina Molina and Professor of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Murcia, Bernardino Benito, will share their knowledge in this new session with militants and sympathizers

Implantation in Alhama of 80 indicators of Transparency International in the management of municipalities, as well as the keys will be analyzed to make a true participatory budgets.

Two of commitments Diego Conesa candidate if elected mayor

In the afternoon there carnival and there will be no discussion-debate, so the morning involvement opens to any resident who wishes to attend and participate

The Hotel Restaurant Julian will host the III Formative Conference organized by the PSOE de Alhama and intended to prepare members of the nomination to accompany Diego Conesa to fight for mayor next May.

The event will begin at 10.00 and will feature two renowned professional prestige.

Professor, Faculty of Economics, University of Murcia, Bernardino Benito, opened the session by talking about local finance and municipal budgets.

Then the sociologist and economist José Molina Molina, will make a presentation on transparency and citizen participation.

Molina, who was already in Alhama last November to present the fourth edition of his book 'Citizen and public expenditure', supports the involvement of residents in local budgets and that "we have to take them as a revolution, because leave them in the hands of professionals has led us to the current situation "and notes that" the way out of the crisis is through transparency, good governance and accountability to citizens. "

Meanwhile, Diego Conesa, Socialist candidate for mayor of Alhama, explain some of the proposals and commitments it has launched since becoming General Secretary of the party, both personal and stake members and supporters.

They can be found on the web www.psoealhama.es/transparencia and www.diegoconesa.es/transparencia.

Conesa defend the launch in Alhama from the first year, if elected mayor, of the 80 indicators of Transparency International for the management of municipalities.

Our municipality would pioneer the extent, being the first town with less than 50,000 inhabitants in doing so.

This time, coinciding with Carnival parade, there will be discussion-conference in the afternoon and the input and participation is open from 10am to any neighbor to fill the hall capacity.

Source: PSOE Alhama de Murcia

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