Professor Bernardino Benito spoke about local treasury, tax and fiscal rules on expenses and income in the City
For his part, economist and sociologist José Molina stressed transparency and accountability as an obligation and said that "we must have glass walls in public administration, ensuring that these crystals are always clean"
"Our municipality belongs to everyone and is managed with everyone's money. That management must be done transparently so that they can understand the neighbors."
Diego Conesa summed up this third Training day with the PSOE de Alhama is preparing militants in the electoral list will accompany the candidate.
The act had the presence of Prof. Dr. in Economics, Bernardino Benito, setting out the legal regulations of municipal revenues and expenses.
"Legislation is very restrictive when it comes to spending," he said.
"In the case of Murcia has been for many years revenues urbanism, but when these no longer exist have had to maintain much of resorting to debt investments".
In a second part, José Molina gave guidelines for transparency in municipal management.
"We must start first, of good revenue and expenditure budgets. The second step is to make participatory citizens ask what the priorities are, because when done without them is always generated a rejection".
Were his words.
Molina also spoke about the appropriateness of transparent management "for neighbors know why pagan, what enters and what is spent," while "accountability should be a must and should do for education to citizenship" .
The next day will be Saturday March 7th and will deal with personnel, police, health, dependency and social services, among others.
Source: PSOE Alhama de Murcia