Portal de Alhama de Murcia


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The PRAICO users will have a new car park (26/02/2015)

The Department of Works and Services City of Alhama de Murcia has carried out the refurbishment and commissioning of the new parking Sports Complex The PRAICO.

"A lot that has been done in the former area where the pools were" as noted by the council Works and Services, Miguel González.

"There has been cleaned up debris that had and has been conditioned with gravel so that users can access the PRAICO more comfortable to sports facilities".

Fernando Alfonso Ceron, mayor of Alhama de Murcia, who has accompanied the council Works and Services on this visit to the new parking The PRAICO said that "in this way adds value to a space that was totally wasted and that was very bad Image ".

Ceron has also clarified that "the time of this park will be the same as the Sports Complex The PRAICO for security reasons".

Finally, the mayor wanted to point out that these works are ending a long-standing demand of residents and users and are continuing to revive the entire area of ​​the town.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia

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