Portal de Alhama de Murcia


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detail of Alhama de Murcia


Assessment regular full 26 February 2015 IU-Green (28/02/2015)

The proposal of the Town Planning is the sixth amendment of PGMO, and affects the railway line that is fixed and adjust the design finally approved by the Ministry of Development in our General Plan;

modification of Public Roads that collect inclusions and exclusions outlined modifications, enhancements, or bug fixes, operated in the Inventory of Public Roads since the last review in 2009;

Gebas WWTP is incorporated.

This change also affects the Rambla del Molino and Rambla Celada, the current uncertainty in their final stages, motivated by the disappearance of its natural course, causes leading to agricultural areas, with important implications for various properties whenever it rains with some intensity since we are talking about wadis of a length of between 15 and 20 kilometers, whose origin is located in Sierra Espuña and in rainy days, along its route, accumulate runoff from different aspects.

The feasibility study about it proposes to act as a continuation of these watercourses, in the case of the Rambla del Molino, through a diversion from the place where the channel is lost before emptying into the Rambla Celada, and in the case of the latter up the drainage of the highway to connect to the Rambla de las Salinas.

The execution was carried out through open channels by digging and compacting soil, with a busy over 14.5 meters in the first case and 22 in the Rambla Celada surface.

As an advance, it will be very interesting to see that contributions there during the two months of the period of exposure to both inventory Caminos, as those affected on diverted the route of boulevards, running channels and occupation of land involved .

Moreover, since our group, we claim the need of delimitation, demarcation and signage around the bed of the wadi and remove to our PGMO and all the facilities offered at the municipal web publishing all information.

Regarding the proposal of the Department of Women, on the same line we have followed throughout the term again proposed statements of intent, which we support, but we miss commitments in what concerns to the City Council.

Isabel Campos, take advantage of his speech, to honor women workers who deserve mention, refriéndose the workers, the self-employed, women workers in the factories of our people whose work have contributed and continue to their companies grow and that our people can brag about it.

With special reference to the working battered Belchi Brothers, who after the closure of the company remain in the street and unprotected.

Anonymous women who suffer the disastrous policies of our government on labor and social rights, further work must take care of their elderly and dependent, because the benefits to the law of dependence are disappearing and, when necessary leave their work or change it to something more precarious, further it more difficult to access new employment fairly paid, moving increasingly often in precarious and temporary, which brings inequality.

He ended by calling on women to participate in politics or in any social movement, for that day comes where it is not necessary that we will safeguard paternalistically with zipper lists or certain percentages of participation in such electoral lists.

Regarding the proposed Councillor for Health was to divest the municipal buildings that housed social services for the installation of emergency department of primary care.

It seems an interesting proposal, which will improve health services in our town.

Fulgencio Thomas said in his speech that the City should take a long term view and pass these apply to the competent authorities for the construction of a new building to house a new health center equipped with all the necessities that residents demand both materials and provision and expansion of medical services.

Finally, he recalled that in recent years have lost services were provided as the department of gynecology and family planning.

Source: IU-verdes Alhama de Murcia

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