This morning was presented the brand "Alhama Sum", a global strategy promoted by the local government for sustainable urban development for the next 8 years.
It is, first, to make a diagnosis of the municipality to identify current challenges facing Alhama from an economic, environmental, climate, demographic and social, as well as the opportunities and potential for future development.
After analyzing these factors, the objectives to achieve and the strategy and actions to be undertaken will arise.
The Integrated Plan will be the framework of the municipality for access to financing and other European FEDER funds to carry out the actions envisaged in the Strategic Plan funds.
It is a project of great importance, as it comes to designing the model of city we want.
It is therefore essential to involve all citizens in both the diagnosis and design strategies.
Since the municipal government has been developing a series of actions and meetings with different groups of the population now entering the final phase to compile the technical documents.
To this end, the consulting Albant perform different actions that complement those already perform, such as surveys, interviews and discussion forums on different topics with the participation of technical personnel from various agencies, associations, business community and the general public.
It has also opened a blog: a Facebook: www.facebokk / alhama-sum and Twitter:alhamasuma.
It is a project which, though led by the government team even before the elections through participatory processes, finds the sum of all.
It requires the participation of the Corporation as a whole and municipal groups, invited to the first forum, and to be reckoned with in the various Advisory Committees.
The City Council is inviting representatives from each political party, as well as any resident who believes that our people can be improved, to work through social networks, fill out surveys and move their concerns.
Project is short, a change for the better in the coming years to have a positive to access some European funds to undertake much-needed investment for the growth of Alhama result.
Integral Sustainable Urban Development Plan
The City of Alhama de Murcia are interested in participating in the call for aid from ERDF funds intended for the realization of "Integrated Actions for Sustainable Urban Development" for the period 2014-2020, for which the European Union will require participating local entities the existence of an integrated strategy or local general strategic plan as a framework of territorial and sectoral reference for the definition, development and evaluation of those activities.
That strategy has become known as Integrated Sustainable Urban Development Strategic Plan.
The Association Agreement clearly states that Spain 2014-2020 "to new proposals for sustainable urban development will be required to be supported by a clearly defined long-term strategy to provide a framework of territorial and sectoral reference to all interventions to be implemented ".
It therefore is a great project for the future where we have to look at an analysis of the whole urban area from an integrated perspective.
Or put another way, an analysis of important areas such as the physical environment, the climate and the environment, social structure and demographics, the economy and competitiveness and social inclusion.
In the process, the regulations stipulate that public participation is essential and this is including City Hall from the early stages of their preparation.
It has also planned several forums, including those intended to address issues such as employment, education, youth and economic and business fabric.
To elaborate and prepare all necessary to participate in the call for EU subsidies documentation City Council has hired the consulting services Albant & Inedit, SL, which is specialized in this type of projects and their management before the European authorities .
For two months this consultant will be traveling around the city, conducting surveys and interviews and collecting all sorts of data and information for a thorough diagnosis of the municipality to serve and then the Strategic Plan itself.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia