On Thursday June 19, Alhama de Murcia held the First Day of Town Planning and Heritage Restoration in which different professionals in the field, will become apparent in various papers, some of the most important works undertaken in the municipality.
With a General Plan Municipal Planning recently approved expanding urban and intensive work in the recovery of local heritage, the city of Alhama think it's time to talk about urban "act wisely and well done", as noted Swords this morning José López, Councillor of the area in the city of Alhama.
The conference, which was founded with the purpose to continue in time, is based on the Urban Development as a discipline devoted to the planning of the city and its surroundings and is forced to respond with urgency and competition, the need to solve the problem the continued blossoming of their historical and restoration required.
Thus, these sessions are intended, among other things, joint efforts between heritage and planning for a city growth while preserving the memory of the past.
Swords showed in this sense his belief that the difference between the cities lies in what remains.
Therefore, for this first day, there will be professionals such as architects or Ibero Alberto Francisco Javier Lopez, as both have worked in the recovery of alhameño heritage (archaeological remains of Roman baths and castle).
Also present will Loreto López, restoring the company's technical Asoarte and local heritage, José Baños Serrano.
All this is orchestrated by the technical architect of the City of Alhama, Pedro Jesús Gómez who said in the presentation of the day that she can assist anyone interested in the subject to be treated.
Because of capacity (the conference will take place in the domed hall of the Archaeological Museum of Los Baños) and given the interest aroused by this event, where attendance is expected of professionals in almost all municipalities in the region, says the Councillor for Planning, it is necessary to registration.
To do this, interested parties should register by sending an email with your name, occupation and address urbanismo@alhamademurcia.es phone.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia