FOOD ELPOZO think are their own workers who can provide more ideas for the company to improve, therefore, has bet 24 years for carrying out internal improvement groups involving about 10% of the workforce of the organization , which now exceeds 3,500 people.
During the past year we have studied more than 100 projects that will run most given the validity of the proposals.
FOOD ELPOZO welcomed the XXIV edition of the implementation of this initiative with a ceremony attended by the leadership of the organization, its chairman, Thomas Strong and CEO, Joseph Strong, who encouraged the more than 250 participants to move forward continuous improvement of the company.
Groups better identify, analyze and propose solutions to the processes to achieve improved quality, safety, costs, or improving the environment, fundamentally.
In ELPOZO FOOD consist of people from different sections, using a problem solving methodology, analyze work processes, study the pros and cons, value, performance opportunities, and propose alternatives to improve these processes.
The company encourages participation in these groups giving individual awards in each issue, ranging from laptops, digital cameras, plasma TVs or projectors.
Improvement Groups are organs of participation in continuous quality improvement.
His performance is based on the recognition that quality is the responsibility of all and those who best know the work processes are the people who perform daily.
The philosophy of the Improvement Groups is based on the belief that the more you know the process, the more ideas you may have about how to improve it.
Group work to harness the creativity and knowledge of those directly involved in the process, allowing its participation in the generation of solutions.
Source: El Pozo Alimentación