The Ministry of Development has awarded the company Technical and Projects, contract consulting and technical assistance for the drafting of the A-7 motorway construction, expansion to third lane roadway between mile markers 627 and 650 +600 +300 Alhama de Murcia-section Link Sewer, in the province of Murcia, with a budget allocation amounting to 1,401,837.00 euros.
Technical Features:
The general conditions of the project are:
- The project will include the study of rearrangement of existing access, the necessary treatment of overpasses and other existing infrastructure.
- It will maintain appropriate coordination with the General Department of Conservation and Exploitation in order not to duplicate local improvement projects for the section considered.
- Will be studied in detail the replacement of roads, trails, access, easements and departments concerned, including the actions deemed necessary for proper replacement.
- It will maintain good liaison with Local Authorities, Chambers of Agriculture, River Basin and other entities and agencies that might be affected or that may provide useful information to both the draft.
- The surrounding properties will not have direct access to roads of the road.
- In order to help improve road safety for cyclists and in accordance with the objectives and guidelines of the Strategic Infrastructure and Transport (PEIT), will discuss the compatibility of the project activities to the uses cyclists who may come in conflict with them.
- To facilitate subsequent traffic data collection, the project will include replacement of fixed gauging station 649 pk +000, and the installation of fixed stations at the height of pp.kk.
642 +000 and 638 +000 or so.
Source: Ministerio de Fomento