Eight Saharawi children spend the summer holidays with families of Alhama.
This morning, the mayor of the Consistory, Juan Romero Canovas, accompanied by the councilman of Social Policy, Fina García, greeted the Saharawi children have come to the town thanks to the "Holidays in Peace."
The youngsters, aged 8 and 12 years, arrived in the area at five in the morning after a long journey.
This morning the mayor of the municipality received them with great affection and thanked the host families of these children "the great heart that demonstrate a welcoming and caring for Sahrawi children."
Three boys and five girls will spend two months in the town, namely until 30 August, time to meet one of the main objectives of the program, a thorough medical examination.
These children, from the Western Sahara, living in water-deficit and food and of course materials.
In fact, the population lives thanks to international aid.
The harsh climate of the area and causing food shortages in small physical problems during these months are mitigated as far as possible.
So the first thing they do these days is a medical examination in which they detect any problems that affect them to deal with these days.
Moreover, they makes the hepatitis B vaccine and MMR, are a revision of the mouth and eyes.
There are also some fun during these months in which children will enjoy swimming, field trips, retreats, etc..
María Dolores Cánovas, president of the association "Friends of Pueblo Saharuai", showed his appreciation to the City of Alhama for their cooperation and thanked the host families of these children this year have doubled in number to those who were received the last year.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia