"While the Mayor was on the table since 16 May, the drafting of the paper values, they say, from IU, including a major review of real estate values in both urban and rustic representing a 76% increase over the present, we only left three days for the documentation was consulted by IU + The Greens and other opposition groups, prior to approval in Parliament last June 30. "
Councilman Urbanism "tried to justify the urgency arguing that, before July 1 are obliged to adopt the new tax rate to be applied to these values cadastral once revised, by amending the Fiscal for the Property Tax ( IBI), popularly known as a contribution. "
Greens said IU is a joke that the government team has not provided any information about who has more than 40 days, the presentation of assessed value and not supplied to us before. "
"What the neighbor paid in annual bill as a fee, depends crucially on the cadastral evaluation that the Ministry of Finance allocated to your property and the tax rate (%) set by the City Council, which is very important to implement measures to minimize the impact of the cadastral revision in the receipt amount paid by alhameņos. In this sense IU + Greens believe that local government has not done their homework and residents pay the duck. "
"Nothing has been done to study more realistic market or plan more appropriate zoning, resulting appearance may determine the valuation. We believe in UI that only try to put hot towels to avoid a public outcry from taxpayers, and the reduced rate of 0.58 to 0.54%, or the establishment of a coefficient of reduction are inadequate measures. "
"On the revised value will apply a reduction coefficient above 0.9 for 2009, to determine the tax base. This ratio will decrease by 0.1 until the year 2019, matching the assessed value and tax base . Whereupon around 10 years we will have increased valuation and 76% based on the current. To which one must add further 2% rise in establishing the state as annual review through the State Budget, this means in practice, it will double the tax base and the receipt. In IU + Greens wonder if, just as we are going to raise the salaries of here by 2019 by 96% " .
"For this tax increase, Councilman Hacienda del PP, was his group, the support of members of the PSOE and the CDL councilor."
In short, for IU + Greens "This is another example of lack of participation, obscurantism and ineptitude, they will pay in the alhameņos tax receipts."
Source: IU+ Los Verdes de Alhama de Murcia