The departments of Parks and Gardens and Environment of the City of Alhama has carried out a fumigation treatment in different parks of the municipality, as a novelty, has become fully organic products with which not only respects the environment but also completely safe for the population.
Fumigation was carried out using a technique of agro-called "Tec-Fort" which is a mixture of nutrients and plant growth factors, contains chrysanthemum flower extract and is a natural and biodegradable.
Fumigation kills mealybugs, thrips, whitefly, bostríquidos, bruchids, cucíljidos, weevils, geléchidos, ostomy patient, tenebrionid and other beetles and small beetles.
Another important feature of this type of fumigation is that do not harm bee pollination.
Pollination by bees makes it possible for more than 30% of the agricultural products we consume.
However, pollution and the fumigations are destroying them, which means it becomes necessary to to protect them.
Aware of the problem, the City Council has opted for this type of fumigation in our parks, with which not only protects the bees, but it also kills insects that harm us.
Finished spraying in the municipality's green spaces, next week will start with the spraying of villages.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia