The Director General of Family and Child Laura Muñoz Pedroza and Maria Teresa Moreno Gómez, Director of the Institute of Women of the Region of Murcia, belonging to the Ministry for Social Policy, Women and Immigration today visited the premises of the kindergarten Antonio FOOD ELPOZO strong initiative developed with the aim of helping to reconcile work and family life to the organization team.
This center is designed exclusively for daughters / sons of the more than 3,600 workers in the food company.
It has a total capacity of 108 children per shift.
The center is open year round, even in the summer months for the service offered is comprehensive.
Is dimensioned with the real needs of the staff of the organization.
It is located off the POWER ELPOZO facilities in order to facilitate rapid access of parents to it.
Developed in a single plant has an area of 1.000m2.
Its main services are: kitchen, dining room and multipurpose room, 4 restrooms, 8 classrooms, 2 patios, to practice outdoor activities, management and administration area, staff room, changing and toilets approved for children .
The team that runs the center is composed of senior technicians in kindergarten, teachers specializing in Early Childhood Education and a psychologist is responsible for monitoring each student's personal.
The implementation and the project has significant support from the Regional Administration with the intention of encouraging schools to children under 3 years with both educational and high performance infrastructure.
Source: El Pozo Alimentación