Opinion piece submitted by UDeRM:
Chapter 1
2003-07 legislature ran in the town of Alhama de Murcia, and never ceased to carry offensive slogans against the ruling by the opponents.
The major offenses were led by the honorable Mr. Spades "Mr. Romero was the majestic, ruling over the town.
One of the nice things I used to pass in different forums radio, television and print, "Lord Mayor will go down in history as the worst mayor of Alhama, has lied to all alhameños for not fulfilling the commitment you expressed to end crime in Alhama in three months. "
And, not content with this, I kept repeating this event in the various plenary sessions of the consistory.
After that time, and by a new term ... and a result of this marriage of convenience SWORDS / ROMERO, those words have been wasted.
Since there is no insecurity in Alhama, citizens have no reason to complain.
Well, then, citizens of Alhama, we are obliged to require the current government to act forcefully on the issue of quality of life for its citizens.
First .- No day passes in which a alhameño a victim of a theft, robbery ...
Second .- We know nothing of security policies being implemented by the government team.
Every time there is a higher cost of human resources in police and the number does not correspond with the results, the disastrous consequence of political management is making the municipal police.
Among these tensions persist police also has the ultimate responsibility of the police does not enjoy the pleasure of the government team.
Organization of work ... really painful, critical situation if possible, than with the mayor of police official.
Not wanting to dwell on the absurdities organizational charts of what should be a security force to serve the public, and making clear that the responsibility that each of the citizens feel safe Alhama is perceptible and imperceptible Team, our group has submitted several proposals to deal with this insecurity so evident in Alhama, where the crisis here is not noticeable, even invoice increasingly more (more robberies, more burglaries, more aggression ....).
Among the proposals include:
Placement of video cameras in various public areas of the municipality (gardens, sports facilities ...)
Human resources outsourcing as a figure of "serene."
Staff employed by security firm complementary activities to police, at a time of 22 hours to 6 hours.
Zoning of the municipality, distributing to each sector for space and population.
In total 6 people at a cost of approximately € 100,000 per year (with a simple reduction of the salary of council members would pay.)
In addition, funding could be hiring people at risk of exclusion (with certain disabilities, women victims of gender violence, over 45 years ...).
We are not dreaming, are actions, both already being implemented in Spanish cities (Gijón, Murcia ...), and quite successfully.
Continue to remind the stories of yesterday, translated into today.
Alhama de Murcia, January 19, 2009
Juan Ceron
Source: UDeRM de Alhama de Murcia