The City of Alhama de Murcia, in its cultural program organized on Sunday a trip to Barranda 25.
As occurred last year, alhameņos XXXI attended the Feast of Barranda crews.
The event, organized by the Department of Culture, was attended by 53 people who visited during the day the streets of Barranca decorated with the traditional music of the bands of Aledo, Patiņo, Caravaca, Lorca, Moratalla, Beniel, Eagles, Albacete, Ciudad Real, Malaga, etc.
a total of 14 teams.
Hikers also had the opportunity to visit the Museum of Ethnic Music Barranda, actively participating in demonstrations of instruments monitors Museum.
Next trip
The next cultural tour organized by the city of Alhama will take place on Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 March.
The trip is to Terrassa and Tarragona, in particular the International Tourism Fair.
Those interested can register at the Archaeological Museum and the Los Baņos Places are limited.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia