Black and White Cafe Alhama de Murcia Billiards Championship held on the occasion of the feasts of Candlemas 2009.
The championship will be held on days 6, 7 and 8 February, registration will cost 15 euros.
The awards are:
1 st Prize: 40% Revenue and Trophy
2 nd Prize: Trophy Collection and 30%
3 rd Prize: Trophy Collection and 20%
4 th Prize: 10% Revenue and Trophy
5 th Prize:
Award to all series.
The draw will be held on Friday, February 6 at 21 h.
in Black and White Cafe located at C / Isaac Albeniz, 3 (Alhama de Murcia).
For more information call: 616 951 467
Source: Cafetería Blanco y Negro