The "First Conference on Criminology" organized by the University of Murcia and the town of Alhama through the Department of Education was inaugurated, on Monday, February 23, by the local mayor, Juan Romero Canovas, the Vice President for Extension Universitaria, Francisco G.
Díaz Baños, the Director of the Permanent Headquarters, José Luis Mirete Navarro, Councillor of Education, Jose Miguel Muñoz Andrea and the Doctor in Criminal Law and Criminology, David L.
Morillas Fernández.
These Open Days are the first developed in the municipality, with permanent headquarters Alhama de Murcia University, they have been very successful participation, having to change the venue even 3 times the capacity be reduced, eventually the conference be held in the Auditorium of the Casa de la Cultura.
Following the inauguration, began the course with a lecture entitled "Victims are particularly vulnerable to the crime of domestic violence, conducted by the Doctor in Criminal Law and Criminology, David L.
Morillas Fernández.
Today, Tuesday 24 February at 19:00 hours continue programming this conference with the development of the talk "Domestic violence and gender violence" by Professor of Criminal Law, Fulgencio Madrid Conesa.
Tomorrow, Wednesday February 25, there will be "New challenges in forensic science in Spain" by Juan Ballester Pérez, Professor of Criminal Investigation.
And the last day of this conference, Thursday, February 26, will be taught "Counter-terrorism and protection of victims of terrorism" by Professor of Political Science and Administration, Antonio Garrido Blonde, which will end the development of these Days .
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia