From the afternoon of Saturday 28 raining in Alhama which has been also a great benefit to our crops, the Local Police have numerous actions that we report below.
On Saturday, 28 accompanied a woman who suffered a fall at the bus stop caused by water on the road.
That same day, several hurdles had to settle for cutting traffic on flooded streets.
On Sunday, 29 aided and abetted his two vehicles stuck on the bridge of the station, advised the plumber by accumulation of water in the swamp of Ral.
They also had to solve the lifting of caps of various culverts and attended the call from a neighbor of the Tower of Ral, which reported that he is going much water from the raft of Ral.
Also, saw a vehicle stuck in a ditch in the way of the bottle, cut the bridge of the station and solved the problems caused by the sunken road of La Punta.
Moreover, on Monday 30 cut the underpass of the station by the rains and Gines Campos Avenue, opposite petrol station.
On the other hand also placed several manholes in some streets of the town displaced by the rains.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia