The Mayor of the town, Juan Romero Canovas, the mayor of Employment and Local Development, Jose Lopez and the Director of the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Tomás Pérez Strong, were responsible for presenting the awards Drawing Contest Campaign " Security Grows "for boys and girls of the locality.
The winners were:
1 st Prize: Irene García Velasco, the Public School Gines San Cristóbal Díaz.
2 nd Prize: Ana Hernán Martínez del Colegio Público San Cristóbal Díaz Ginés
3 rd Prize: Amanda Noguera Martínez del Colegio Virgen del Rosario Public
4th Prize: Julio Soto Public College Ginés Roda San Cristóbal Díaz
5 th Prize: Sebastian Moreno of the Public School Chuecos Virgen del Rosario.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia