On the afternoon of Wednesday 17, met the spokesmen of all City Council Municipal Groups Alhama de Murcia, with the Mayor, Deputy Mayor for Planning and the Municipal Architect, to discuss issues concerning the issues still pending Final Approval Total General Plan and Municipal Management, and the status of Special Infrastructure Plan, prepared for the tourist-residential developments in the area south of our municipal area.
At the meeting moved the documents before the files and analyze it, taking account of the work carried out so that all speakers have adequate information on these issues as important for our City.
With reference to the PEI, the municipal architect presented his report, prepared for the next Final Approval, giving a detailed account of the submissions received, and the sectoral reports from state and regional agencies, among others.
Regarding the PGMO, likewise reported that after receiving the assent of the solutions offered by the City, issued by the Technical Committee on the Environment, to comply with the Environmental Impact Statement, there have been pending for completion of the work and all documentation submitted to the Ministry of Planning, Public Works and Planning for final adoption and overall shape our PGMO.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia