Note from IU + LV:
About the Special Infrastructure Plan for Tourism Development in South Alhama from IU + Greens perform a detailed presentation to report the circumstances leading to final approval.
We note that this Special Plan is closely linked to the process followed by our General Plan, and that one of the most conflictive issues and discrepancies raised was the implementation of macro-developments in our town.
The work of UI in the last legislature, contributed to the initial approval of the General Municipal Plan of Arrangement, more sectorisations not covered.
In this sense, finally picked: "it is not considered viable sectors delineation of new residential developments, based on the projected extension of the Plan, Territorial Environmental Impact would have the same, and that the Plan already provides mechanisms sectorization, developable land for non-sectorized.
Agreeing that "will undergo a special plan, the drafting will begin immediately following the PGMO provisional approval for the purpose of ensuring its viability."
We must remember that our General Plan Municipal exceptionally was not submitted to the Environmental Assessment under the Act 9 / 2006, which required the development of an environmental sustainability report, consultations, preparation of environmental report that should be taken into account in making decisions.
Also to be implemented before approval.
The sum of all round development an area of about 20 million m2, which can be translated into more than 30,000 homes and more than 90.00 newcomers.
This has been a major concern of the United Left Greens + by the impact and impact on our town, in the region and the region.
We have therefore emphasized the need for strategic environmental assessment as an instrument of prevention before the adoption of the Plan, to be acting with the utmost clarity and legality.
Moreover, the physical extent, social and environmental greatly exceeds the territorial limits of Alhama.
In matters such as water supply, rainwater drainage, electricity, road communications, collection and processing of solid waste, education, health, or safety, it has a high dependence on infrastructure outside the Plan itself whose jurisdiction lies with different administrations .
We therefore believe that while the provision thereof shall not be effective, and is addressed in the corresponding budgets and approvals meaningless internal infrastructure planning of housing estates.
Keep in mind that the final approval of the Infrastructure Plan, constitute the granting of the Certificate of Construction.
We also believe that there is a clear condition of protected natural areas and members of the Natura 2000, as Saladares Guadalentín or Espuña Regional Park.
For what should be an assessment of impacts on these areas, because although the project is outside the wilderness above, may have impact on them because of their proximity.
The initial approval of the Special Plan has been enacted by the Mayor on two occasions, in November 2006 and September 2008.
On both occasions, our group presented arguments to warn Municipal contradictions between them, since in the former is considered to be initiated environmental procedures required by Law 9 / 2006 and the territorial impact. "
But in 2008, believes that it is applicable.
On the other hand, are very striking the items specified in the Special Infrastructure Plan drawn up in 2006 and today.
For example, the number of people expected in 2006 with an area of 13 million m2 and more than 29,000 homes, were set at 93,000 new residents.
However, in 2008, virtually the same area, the number of inhabitants is reduced by more than half, estimated at 44,213.
For more abundance in the contradiction, the sectorisations that stay the same in both, including: The Issue Resord and La Morera Golf Resord.
Despite having the same area and level of urban use, reduce the number of inhabitants in the middle.
La Ermita goes from 11,237 to 5,619 inhabitants and the Morera of 12,395 to 6,198 inhabitants.
These questions, raised by way of example, little evidence the rigor of the calculations, and the need for the plan is subject to strategic environmental assessment and regional impact study.
In item 5 discussed the joint motion of opposition groups, in which we echoed the claims raised by the Civic Platform in Defence of the Garden of Los Patos.
At the same we called for the cessation of the current project, the creation of a commission to try political and social consensus on a new project, respecting the identity of the Garden.
The wording of the motion was agreed by the three groups and raised in the Commission informed four days before the plenary without Municipal Government Groups perform any suggestion.
As expected, the government tried to include an amendment to all, and forced the debate for more than an hour became a "pin, bread points" between the Town Planning, the Mayor and the Speaker popular grudgingly to finish the original motion.
A IU + Greens seemed absolutely out of such a demonstration of stubbornness.
This PPSOE seemed to lose the papers, remains committed to the show, entangle, and form cause mess.
Meanwhile, the Platform has set an example of serenity and citizenship with their demonstrations.
Groups Urge UDeRM, IU + Greens and CDL, we ask that it were a motion we requested, the revocation of the agreement plenary adopted the majority vote of PP and PSOE at the beginning of this term, by which was stolen from the plenary powers relating to procurement and concessions in excess of 10% from regular resources or 6 million Euros, to give the Board of Governors, being rejected by the Government discussion Municicipal.
As Questions and answers from IU + Greens ask what steps have been carried out by the current government team on the route of the AVE, with officials from the Ministry of Development or ADIF?
What measures are contemplated to avoid or minimize their negative consequences for our city and those affected by the expropriation?
And yes there have been some efforts to municipalities affected by this same issue of the route, to take action or propose alternative joint?
Without that we obtain an answer.
Also raised the status of Carrasca, cleaning plots, and various applications neighborhood around the Avenida Antonio Fuertes, The Palm Garden, or the use of computers in local municipalities.
Source: IU+LV de Alhama de Murcia