Within the program is to facilitate access to decent housing, especially local youth and families who have fewer economic resources a few years ago the City began, there are still some of these houses were not awarded, it reported in conference Press this morning, the Town Planning, José Espadas, who was aware of the details to gain access to the award of these homes under construction are located in New Espuña area as well as in the area Childcare and Calle Zurbarán.
The mayor has said that for various reasons, these properties made during the last two phases Youth Housing and promoting New Espuña of OPV has not been completed to award all, therefore, being of high quality housing and a price interesting because they are homes that range between 83000 and 114000 euros (VAT included), approximately 90 square meters, all with garage and storage, and virtually all with three bedrooms.
For this reason informs all concerned that during a period that has opened about 20 days, information can be directed to City Council Planning Alhama where they will obtain information and request to apply for one of these homes that were subsequently will give the sponsor.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia