The City has expanded and improved maintenance of parks and gardens as well as works on our streets thanks to the cash surplus achieved in the previous year.
This will allow the hiring of 14 people from the town unemployed for approximately a year.
Councilman Hacienda, José López, explained this morning that cleared the financial year 2008, with a positive result over 8 million euros, the government team was raised and what actions were deserving of priority investment extruded savings mentioned.
Thus, said the mayor, most of this fund changed to increase the financial reserve of the City, "which to face an economic future with adequate safeguards so that they can meet all current and future financial commitments of this administration.
(Staff, vendors, suppliers and investment) "
In the rest of the savings will be distributed at meeting the needs raised by various councils.
The Department of Parks and Gardens, had sought to increase its budget for the maintenance of green areas and that you had was insufficient.
This has required the allocation of EUR 107,951.52 and the hiring of 4 people to work in the care of parks and gardens.
In addition, Lee has emphasized, these people have been rescued from arrest.
A similar case occurred with the Department of Works and Services, with a budget of € 266,962.17 for works that require the hiring of 10 people.
Regarding the work projected with this money, the mayor of Works and Services, Alfonso Fernando Cerón Morales, also present at the gathering, explained that such persons have been employed are unemployment and Alhama, ie, census in our town.
Specifically, the mayor continued saying, they have hired five pawns and five officers will support the local brigade.
Cerón Morales pointed out that the works are to repair or build sidewalks.
In particular, the change take place in several ways sidewalks in the neighborhood of San Andrés and on the streets Zurbarán, El Greco, Murillo and Juan de Herrera in the street and Alfonso X and The tavern, in the hamlet of La Costera .
Also construct the perimeter sidewalk of the new headquarters of Local Police and Civil Protection.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia