At a press conference held this morning in the Town Hall, Councillor for Citizen Security, Fulgencio de la Cruz, reported that from next November 9 until day 22, inclusive, the City Council joins the campaign Directorate Traffic generally starts on the correct use of mobile phone, with the intention of raising awareness to all drivers of the danger of their use while driving.
The campaign involves the establishment of checkpoints to be established both at the center of the city and the surrounding area.
So, the mayor reported that this measure was urged from the DGT, in face of all the municipalities in the region of Murcia, and that the government team appreciated the very positive campaign, to remind citizens of the danger alhameņos entails using mobile phone while driving.
According to statistics compiled by the Directorate General of Traffic, a number of effects experienced by mobile phone use while driving-four times the risk of an accident, may be comparable to driving with excess alcohol, can be seen that after a minute and a half talking on the phone is no longer perceived as 40% of the signals ... etc..
Fulgencio Cross argues that it is proven that 37% of accidents are caused by driver distraction, according to the DGT, and the misuse of mobile phones has meant an increase in this index in recent years.
While we should remember that not only assess the damage to the offender, but the one that comes in third, so that marked the campaign aimed at reducing the accident rate.
In this sense, the mayor wants to warn all alhameņos that being a global campaign, will control both within the population, as in road and other populations as claiming that "this is a good time to quit to use the phone when driving, if we have not already done so. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia