On the occasion of November 25, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the City of Alhama has scheduled a series of commemorative activities to the mayor of Women, Soledad Tudela, has issued this morning.
Parallel to the activities will be a workshop on awareness and prevention of domestic violence with the students of 2 º ESO Alhama de Murcia, and an exhibition of posters in the sixth edition of the contest: "No discrimination, no violence and on equal terms. "
Will be at the Casa de la Cultura, 25 November to 2 December.
Activities will begin on November 25 with a march against domestic violence at 16:30 to start at Casa de la Cultura.
The culmination of the march, read a statement of condemnation against gender violence and then proceed to the delivery of award-winning lineup of the sixth edition of the "no discrimination, no violence and equal" in the auditorium of the Casa de la Cultura.
The activities will continue on Thursday 26 November at 18.00 hours with a Storyteller in the House of Culture for adults.
On Friday, 27 will be a children's party with inflatables, balloons, face painting ... from 16.00 hours in front of City Hall.
At 17.30 there will be a children's storyteller in the House of Culture.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia