The Municipal Group of UI, with the PSOE, filed a motion in March 2006, which was approved unanimously.
In it we also urge the Ministry of Education to implement a project for the construction of a new IES Valle de Leyva, proposed location in the area of urban expansion in the area of Mula Road.
This demand is attending the educational community, expressed through a letter endorsed by the heads of the two institutes in our town, we were told it did not need a third high school until 2011, it was not necessary to establish any concert to a private school because the needs were covered, and if this occur would be negative consequences for public schools.
Something from IU share.
When configuring the PP-PSOE government in June 2007, have at their disposal various solar in our village who meet the necessary conditions for building a school.
However, those lots are going to allocate to other buildings, so that when taken up this issue in late 2008, the only option that is posed by the Councillor for Education is the Praico.
IU + Greens has always posed the disadvantages of the area, which are "common knowledge" in our town, the many problems experienced buildings constructed in the area, and where there are also some obvious difficulties of accessibility.
Unfortunately, the Municipal Government, instead of looking for alternatives for the location, has dedicated its efforts to undertake a brainwashing campaign against opposition groups, as if the only alternative to "streamline and improve" the Barrio de los Dolores was the Construction of the Institute.
The position of IU + Greens on the need for a new Institute is very clear on the desirability of revitalizing the area are in complete agreement, but does not seem the right place, and there was no willingness to give us any involvement.
It gives us a melon alhameños closed, and has not done the least to see other possibilities that offer greater guarantees in terms of land and better accessibility.
Again we went back to warn of unforeseen difficulties that can bring this work and the impact it may have for our City Hall if you are not aware of the terms of the agreement that once has been established with the Ministry of Education to execute the work.
Upon introduction of transitional provisions in the order of the day and Markets, and Licensing Activity to adapt to the European Community Directive on Services, and put clear when Bolkestein Directive was adopted in 2006, which introducing bans affecting all levels of government.
Deadlines have passed, and as of December 28 shall enter into force without up to date, the State or the Community has taken action.
For what we believe to be top level of the civil suit that first, and not start the cart before the horse.
Our group, along with all the Corporation, one more year, we express through a joint motion our rejection of all forms of violence against women to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and ask the central and regional governments that initiatives are not left in the propaganda and self-aggrandizement.
In the ample opportunity for questions from IU + Greens we are interested in the problems in the health center for lack of doctors to make substitutions, and the conditions agreed as a result of the expansion of facilities with concessionaires of morgue.
Source: IU+LV Alhama de Murcia