Portal de Alhama de Murcia


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Alhama de Murcia News - December 2013

detail of Alhama de Murcia
Villa de Alhama - Alhama de Murcia
  • To Put A Smile Campaign (29/12/2013)
    Alhama Popular Party wants to thank to all the people, businesses and other entities that have provided food, collection campaign to put a smile
  • Buy online tissues in your new page Gines and Hilary (27/12/2013)
    The website, developed by Totana.com shows the catalog of tissues and allows buy
  • PSOE "typically Popular Demand: just the opposite of what was promised in campaign" (24/12/2013)

  • Valoración pleno extraordinario del mes de diciembre. Ciudadanos por Alhama (23/12/2013)

  • "The PP is punishing alhameños with higher taxes and fewer services in the Municipal Budget for 2014" (23/12/2013)
    Rating extraordinary plenary session of December 19, 2013.
  • The PP appreciates the "marked social character" of the budgets of 2014 (23/12/2013)

  • Employment and ELPOZO sign an agreement to promote the employability of unemployed youth (21/12/2013)
    The company conducts training courses with the SEF and the INEM in which more than 60 percent of participants are recruited
  • The six councilors PSOE de Alhama waive 30% of their income (20/12/2013)
    perceive they will spend 245 €
  • The "Entrelíneas Magazine" makes the leap to Internet Hand "Superweb" (20/12/2013)
    . News, interviews, calendar, etc., can be found online now
  • RM EQUO qualify the project for Paramount Park fiasco announced (19/12/2013)

  • El Pozo Murcia FS celebrates traditional Christmas meal (19/12/2013)

  • Budgets City of Alhama de Murcia 2014 (18/12/2013)
    Press Release Citizens Alhama
  • Campos argues that "public safety warrants the exercise of our rights" (18/12/2013)
    The presidential advisor attends the commemoration of the pattern of the local police of Alhama de Murcia, the municipality to which the regional government has allocated 2.5 million euros security
  • The PP Alhama attended the regional convention of the popular party in the Region of Murcia (16/12/2013)

  • The Women's Business Incubator has entered a new English course for women (12/12/2013)
    The Women's Business Incubator has welcomed a new course designed for women and organized by the Department of Women
  • Concludes "The Health and Welfare Wednesday" with great success to participate in all programming (11/12/2013)

  • The House of Culture hosted a day of presentation of different tools to help small businesses (11/12/2013)

  • The Mayor is invited by the CP Espuña to participate in a commemoration of the Constitution (10/12/2013)

  • The Civil Guard detained six members of a gang engaged in theft of farm products (09/12/2013)
    Another member of the criminal group is in prison serving time for other crimes
  • The Minister of Presidency emphasizes the "social and economic progress and growth" Alhama achieved in recent years (06/12/2013)
    Fields unveils' Mayors Alhama de Murcia since the twentieth century.
  • PSOE: "Lack of popular and democratic memory" (05/12/2013)
    "The PP and Angel Canovas seems as if ruled the City since 2011, when since 1999 the money Polaris have not worn them, and that the shortage of Water Diversion in Alhama is the exclusive fault of Zapatero "
  • On Saturday December 14 at the Palacio de Congresos Victor Villegas de Murcia will be the regional convention of the People Party (04/12/2013)

  • The Civil Guard dismantled a gang dedicated to burglary of Alhama de Murcia (04/12/2013)
    Han three members arrested on suspicion of felony burglary
  • November regular plenary rating - Citizens for Alhama (03/12/2013)

  • Poll of the regular plenary session November 28, 2013 - IUverdes (03/12/2013)

  • Health services in emergency care for two people in a fire at a home in Murcia (02/12/2013)


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